Frequently asked questions

Can we buy videos of your shows?

No. We do have edited multicam DVD versions of all our productions. However, due to strict and complex royalty and copyright regulations, we are at the time being not able to distribute our work commercially. All DVD’s are regarded as either promotional or educational products and are distributed free of charge to relevant and trustworthy contacts. A number of public and private archives do also have our whole catalogue availiable for in-house showings. For inquiries please contact the office.

Do you have open rehearsals?

Yes. We are quite inviting in terms of opening the doors to our rehearsals. We experience a growing interest from people who want to work with us, both on and off stage, and a peek into our working situation is an efficient way of starting potential dialogues. We do of course give priority to guests with a certain familiarity with our style. For inquiries please contact the office.

Can we book tickets to your shows through you?

No. JSK is strictly a touring company with no responsibilities whatsoever concerning either local PR or ticket sales on each venue. However, you will find links to ticket sales for most of our performances in our Schedule. And please, if either PR or ticket sales are conducted in a poor manner at your location, notify us and we will do what we can to improve the situation.

Do you have auditions?

Unfortunately not so often. We get an increasing amount of questions concerning this and receive frequent applications and CV’s. We would like to keep a dialogue with as many as possible, even though positions within the company is always limited. As a hint, we find it easier to consider applications from people who have never seen the company live. The workshop situation is however where we have found most of our performers.

Can I get in contact with Jo Strømgren to present an idea of mine?

All ideas are welcome. We unfortunately need to make preselections before presenting this to Jo Strømgren personally. The administration cannot judge the full extent of potential ideas, but we are fully updated on his freelance schedules and future priorities. We advise all inquiries to be as specific as possible in order to be judged as fairly as possible. We hope for understanding.

I am a student and need to interview Jo Strømgren for a project. What do I do?

There is quite a lot of material on this website for different types of research. Additional articles and interviews are of course availiable on the internet with any good search engine. If this does not cover your needs, please contact the office. We give priority to press interviews in relation with our touring schedule. Other interviews should preferably be conducted by e-mail. A restraint in the amount of questions is appreciated. Serious answers to serious questions requires time, and many students underestimate the effort their questions involve.

Do you have available internships for dancers/actors/students?

We are receiving requests from dance and theatre students from all over the world regarding internships. We truly appreciate the interest. However: our general activity and working environment differ from institutional theatres as well as bigger companies in a way that makes artistic internships difficult to organize. We do not have a house, nor any stable production facilities, nor any regular company classes. Apart from intensive production periods hosted by co-producers at different locations, we are mostly on tour with as small crews as possible. Therefore, unfortunately, we do not have the possibility to host artistic internships.

Do you have available internships for producers?

Our office work follows the principle of few but highly competent brains and a patchwork of shortcuts. The time needed to train and guide temporary staff is also limited. We do however look on each application or request with interest and have previously had many good experiences with interns. But this has only happened when the requested period has matched specific plans of ours.

Do you perform outdoors? Or site-specific?

No. We only perform in traditional theatres or alternative indoor venues with sufficient equipment. There are however many excellent groups who specialize in such areas. If in search for out of venue performances, it’s rather wise to contact the experts themselves.

Do you listen to feedback from strangers?

Yes. Receiving e-mails from people who have attended shows is highly regarded. The privacy of expressing oneself online allows people to give both interesting, thoughtful and honest feedback. The face-to-face situation usually allows only positive feedback to get through. We are of course interested in getting also the negative comments. Preferably in a constructive manner. All e-mails with feedback, good or bad, will be read and considered seriously.

Do you contribute to non-profit or fund-raising events?

Rarely. We are a marginal entity partly based on idealistic labour and much of our activity is already dedicated to non-profit causes. Our support from the state and other parties is also strictly defined in terms of spending. We would rather advise contacting strongholds of commercial culture for contributions.

We are having a seminar and want to engage you for an artistic contribution?

We basically focus on the magic we can create in a theatre. Other foras and locations tend to lesser the quality and the impact of the work. Extracts likewise. If the main frame has no relevance to our general activity or philosophy we usually reject such inquiries. We do however consider each possibility seriously.