THERE finally visits Belarus

In 2001 the director of the International Festival of Modern Choreography in Vitebsk, Belarus, first uttered a wish to show There at their festival. 15 years later we are finally going!

This will be the third time we visit Vitebsk and the International Festival of Modern Choreography. Our first visit was in 2005 with The Hospital, and in 2012 we were thrilled to perform our football ballet A Dance Tribute to the Art of Football for an audience of 1200 excited Belarusians in Concert Hall Vitebsk.
We are delighted to be able to return to Vitebsk, with a performance we hope will have resonance in our audience.

Four dissidents are stranded in an interzonal holding area with wooden shipping crates – perhaps a warehouse, perhaps the hull of a ship. In the far from harmonious atmosphere the essential question remains – should they continue towards the unknown or should they go back to what they know? There is by far the most requested performance the company has ever made. It was also the turning point where the company started to focus more on actors than on dancers, as well as initiating the company’s nonsensical language trademark. After more than 100 shows around the world, the performance proved that the theme was relevant to all regions and cultures. The issue of existential doubt is and always will be universal

There will perform Friday 25th November 2016 in Concert Hall Vitebsk.